"Our intelligence depends upon the opportunity we take to experience and learn on our own. This self-learning leads to full, dynamic living.” – Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984)
A passionate advocate of self-learning, Dawn believes everyone has and should be given a chance to discover self-learning for him or herself. Her sessions are specially crafted to create a safe space for self-learning to take place.
Trained in political science and with varied and eclectic interests, Dawn is an engaging and passionate lady. She is an approachable instructor who values individuality and the importance of synergizing both mind and body for movement and balance.
Expect challenging sessions with individualized attention to your body’s needs.
Certified in Comprehensive Studio Pilates by Polestar Pilates, USA
Certified GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® Instructor
Guild-Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner (AUSTAB)
Bachelor of Arts & Social Sciences (Honours, NUS)